June 2007
HCItasca has always endeavored to provide local expertise combined with global perspective. With the opening of offices in China (late 2004), Japan (April 2006), Houston (May 2007) and now Australia (see HCItasca World below), our expanded reach means we can provide more face-to-face contact with clients while also delivering the breadth of experience that comes from having a truly international pool of engineering talent upon which to draw.
—John Markham
Literature by HCItasca personnel recently published or acquired in the
HCItasca library.
DeGagné, D. O., and S. D. McKinnon. "The Influence
of Cave Mass Properties on Discrete Sublevel Cave Models," in Golden Rocks
2006 — 50 Years of Rock Mechanics, Colorado School of Mines, June 2006 (41st
U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium). Paper No. 06-1148, S. Yale et al., Eds. ARMA,
Gómez, P., M. Díaz and L. Lorig. "Stability Analysis of Waste
Dumps at Chuquicamata Mine, Chile," Felsbau, 20(6), 61-68
Hausdorf, A., Heinrich, F., Konietzky, H., Mocka, N.
"Numerische Untersuchungen zur Stabilität geschichteter und geankerter
Kammerfirsten im Kalibergbau / Numerical studies on the stability of bedded and
anchored roofs of the rooms in potash mining", Kali und Steinsalz,
1(2007)24, p. 20-25.
Mas Ivars D., Pierce M., Potyondy D. O. and Cundall
P.A. (2007). "A new modelling approach for the study of deformation, yield
and failure of jointed rock masses", in Bergmekanikdag 2007, Stockholm,
Sweden, pp. 33-41. SveBeFo 2007.
Pierce M., Potyondy D. O., Cundall P.A.
and Mas Ivars D.(2007). "A synthetic rock mass model for jointed rock",
in Rock Mechanics. Meeting Society's Challenges and Demands (Proceedings of the
1st Canada-US Rock Mechanics Symposium, Vancouver, Canada, 27-31 May 2007), pp.
341-349. E. Eberhardt, D. Stead, T. Morrison, Eds. Taylor & Francis,
Revell, M. B., and D. P. Sainsbury. "Advancing Paste Fill
Bulkhead Design Using Numerical Modeling," in Minefill 2007 — Innovation and
Experience (Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Mining with
Backfill, Montreal, May 2007). CD Proceedings, Paper No. 2473. Montreal: CIM,
Revell, M. B., and D. P. Sainsbury."Paste Bulkhead
Failures," in Minefill 2007 — Innovation and Experience (Proceedings of the
9th International Symposium on Mining with Backfill, Montreal, May 2007). CD
Proceedings, Paper No. 2472. Montreal: CIM, 2007.
Sainsbury, D. P., and
R. Urie. "Stability Analysis of Horizontal and Vertical Paste Fill Exposures
at the Raleigh Mine,", in Minefill 2007 — Innovation and Experience
(Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Mining with Backfill,
Montreal, May 2007). CD Proceedings, Paper No. 2527. Montreal: CIM,
Schlegel, R., Konietzky, H. & Will, J. "Optimization and
Sensitivity Analysis in Mining and Geotechnical Engineering using Numerical
Approaches", Buletin Resurse Minerale, Nr. 2, 2006, P. 47-54.